Workers Compensation Investigations | Private Investigators

Workers Compensation Investigations

Workers Comp Fraud Investigators

With over twenty five years of experience on fraudulent workers’ compensation cases, Paramount Investigative Services confidently acquires and presents the evidence employers require to reduce losses and or resolve the claims entirely. Our extensive experience with workers compensation investigations cases, reflected by our testimonials and court records, reveals Paramount Investigative Services as the team of workers comp investigators near you best-equipped to deliver the results you require.

Workers comp investigators
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Los Angeles #1 Workers Compensation Investigators!

Caution! Other private investigators seem cheap initially, then after hiring them you’ll have learned that they don’t perform the work themselves. They “sub contract” their work out out to a lesser experienced investigators and even unlicensed investigators.  Even the Special Investigation Unit or Large Investigation Corporations say they are nationwide and yet then only have a handful of employee’s. They all sub work out to lesser more affordable investigators.

Rest assured, when you hire Paramount Investigations you get Paramount’s insurance fraud investigators and associates. Our estimates strive to be as honest and accurate as possible. No under budget to get you in the door or over inflated billings. Just honest investigations at an honest prices.

Two reasons why it feels impossible to defend your workmans comp claim

  1. California is a “Zero Fault” state and that means your worker can file a claim for any reason.
  2. The workers compensation laws are antiquated and written a half century ago.

Though this may seem daunting, we can certainly walk you through the process and bring perspective on why you should still investigate your claims.

Workers Compensation investigations | How to defend your claim:

workers compensation investigations results
One day before this video was captured, this person said he could NOT lift 5lbs

Step 1. Identify the circumstances; is this a retaliation claim, did this incident occur at work or cumulative trauma?

Step 2. Dial in the injury or injuries, plus what was stated to Dr’s or in deposition. I “can and CAN NOT do XYZ” -If your attorney can not pin down what they can and can not do (THIS IS VITAL TO YOUR CASE) you fire them immediately and go with another firm!

Step 3. Perform statements form coworkers (If possible)

Step 4. Social media deep dive.

Step 5. Surveillance to see what their actual day to day includes. Are they injured or working elsewhere?

How to investigate your workers comp claim step one:

We suggest you work closely with your human resources department and come up with policies and procedures as to how to document the employees files (whether good or bad documentation). Then if a claim was to occur you can follow your policies and procedures. Later, this could come in handy to any possible retaliation claims.

How to Investigate a workers comp claim Step Two:

You must dial in the limitations of the injured party. If you do not identify what they CAN NOT do, no fraud investigator can help you. You can do this through strong claims management; good HR documentation, good doctors and medical evaluations, statements, and strong depositions. Applicant attorneys take courses on how to coach their client so they don’t get trapped into making statements or getting verbally backed into a corner.

For example, we deal with law firms that have needed surveillance. At one point, we kept noticing that a particular firm always needed dire help with their cases. We would go out and do our thing to eventually have the firm upset with us. It got to the point, we began asking for the case deposition transcripts. After reading these “depo transcripts” we had an “A Ha” moment. We came to the portion of the transcripts were they were discussing injuries and the persons limitations. AND the attorney did not address the injuries or limitations at all. They simply let the applicant run on as it it was a normal conversation. At no point did the attorney back the person into a corner or make them answer to what they CAN NOT or NO LONGER do. Come to find out, this well known firm subbed out the depo to a new attorney. Sadly, the new attorney didn’t get anything useful. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it hurt the case and made our investigative evidence Fruitless.

How to Investigate a workers compensation claim Step Three:

If this is at all possible, you should gather statements. The second you get wind of an incident, you can make notes of who was working with them or make notes of who was scheduled that day. This way you can hopefully get the injured persons statement and in the near future, collect co workers statements. When taking statements it is best to get them as soon as possible. This way memories are fresh and would be considered best evidence.

How to Investigate a workers compensation claim Step Four:

Social media investigations is all the rage right now. The reason being is, people forget what they’ve posted and these posts can go directly against what they are claiming. We regularly work cases where someone is injured and they can’t work, yet last week they were riding a wheelie on their motorcycle on the freeway.

How to Investigate a workers compensation claim Step Five:

One of the strongest forms or best evidence is video surveillance or “sub rosa.” Its not enough that it is being performed but it must also be performed strategically. If the budget permits, it should be done right away. Lets face it you don’t know these people or their circumstances. They very well could come off as legitimate and yet, we capture them doing something entirely opposite of what they are saying they can or can not do. Often times people file claims for financial gain and think they have nothing to lose. Lets face it, this is a zero fault state and it is rare that someone gets prosecuted for fraud. Out of the thousands of workers compensation investigations we’ve worked, only three were prosecuted for fraud.

How to handle an employee suspected of faking an injury:

Thankfully you’ve followed our above suggestions and you are close with your human resources department. You follow your policies and procedures as to how to navigate your claim and lastly our instructions as to how to investigate. When it comes to handling an employee you suspect is faking a claim, you need to handle them like you would any other employee. You can not discriminate against them or even indicate that you feel the claim is fraudulent or over exaggerated. You simply document everything, get them to the right doctors, and while all of this is unfolding you have licensed-investigators perform surveillance.

How to report a fake workers compensation investigations claim:

So you’ve done all of the above and you have something extraordinary. You have a mountain of facts that now prove the workers compensation claim is in fact fraudulent from the beginning or they had intent to defraud. At this stage in the game you, your attorney or the investigators can fill in the FD-1 form for the district attorneys office. (How to turn in a fraudulent workers compensation claim “FD-1” form). Once the form is completed y ou follow the appropriate steps to get it to you local district attorneys office or with the department of insurance.


REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Please print legibly or type. California Insurance Code (CIC) § 1872.4 requires companies licensed to write insurance in California to submit this form WITHIN 60 DAYS after determining that a claim appears to be fraudulent. CIC § 1877.3 further requires reporting of suspected fraudulent Workers’Compensation claims to BOTH the CDI Fraud Division and the local District Attorney’s Office WITHIN 60 DAYS.

An Unfortunate and Pervasive Reality: Fraudulent Workers’ Compensation Claims

From Ventura County to Downtown Los Angeles, fraudulent workers’ compensation claims run rampant. With claims against small businesses like restaurants and large construction companies alike, businesses face claims amounting well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Whether having encountered a well-seasoned scam artist attempting to exploit your business, or a disenfranchised long-term employee seeking to cushion their retirement fund, workers compensation investigations boasts the deepest claims knowlege and state-of-the-art equipment required to definitively identify, record and dispel falsified workers’ compensation claims.

Hire a Private Investigator | Efficient, Expeditious, and Discrete

To obtain indisputable evidence, a tactful approach to surveillance and evidence acquisition must be employed by a seasoned team of private investigators to avoid detection or suspicion by the subject. While comparable private investigators in Los Angeles provide similar surveillance services, their backgrounds with law enforcement or as hobbyist investigators typically result in a head-on approach that could potentially scare the subject into hiding, or prompt them to further refine their act.

We’re your Special Investigation Unit “SIU”

Our team can be your SIU Investigators; experienced detectives at Paramount Investigative Services swiftly gathers information through extensive background checks, the utilization of a proprietary database exclusively available for law enforcement and licensed private investigators, and by scouring all relevant social media to ascertain any condemning evidence or suspicious activities. Having obtained all necessary information to properly position our team, Paramount Investigative Services then embarks on a multi-day, around the clock surveillance schedule to identify and record incontestable evidence proving their dishonesty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Catching A Fraudster working while out on a claim

With all cases including a fake injury, catching the individual immediately after they begin their act is crucial. Over time, fraudulent individuals practice and refine their stories to better withstand rigorous examination in the court of law, and to prevent future surveillance investigations from gleaning any holes in their act. With the incentive of a larger workers compensation settlement awaiting them after their successful portrayal, it becomes increasingly difficult to catch a fraudsters mistakes as time goes by.

At Risk Industries of Workers Compensations Claims

Whether you’re a warehouse owner in Orange County, small business owner in Ventura County, or an attorney in Los Angeles, the likelihood of encountering a fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is unfortunately high. With exorbitant claims pervading any industry with the slightest degree of manual labor, business small and large seeking to protect their financial stability and reputation while condemning dishonest and opportunistic scam artists will likely require the professional assistance of Paramount Investigative Services.

Workers compensation investigations experts | Call Now.

Having earned the reputation of Los Angeles’ premier private investigator over two decades, Paramount Investigative Services continually assists residents of Orange County, business owners throughout Ventura County, and attorneys throughout the entirety of southern California with the professional, expeditious services they desire. Having proven our capabilities in dozens of court cases, serving as an expert witness and confidently testifying alongside our clients, Paramount Investigative Services outperforms the competition with effortless poise.

To inquire further regarding our rates, contact us either by phone or email. With offices in Downtown Los Angeles, Newport Beach, San Diego and Carthay Circle, scheduling a consultation with a private investigator near you is straightforward and stress-free with Paramount Investigative Services. Learn more about our available services, or stop by our office to speak with an expert investigator regarding your case!

Ken Childs

Author Consultant

Paramount Investigative Services Inc. is a highly reputable private investigation agency based in Los Angeles, boasting over 25 years of experience in the field. Founded and led by expert witness and author Ken Childs, the agency offers a comprehensive range of investigative services to clients, including insurance fraud detection, infidelity investigations, background checks, and legal support for attorneys. With a proven track record and a commitment to professionalism, Paramount Investigative Services Inc. stands out as a trusted choice for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals seeking reliable and discreet investigative solutions in Los Angeles.  Follow the link to buy my How to become a Private Investigatir book on