Personal Injury Investigations In Burbank | (213) 733-3333

Personal Injury Investigations in Burbank

Burbank Private Investigators

Burbank Private Investigation Services

Personal Injury investigations in Burbank CA; Scamming takes many forms – and over the last few decades, one of the most lucrative scams have been personal injury lawsuits. Originally, personal injury suits netted tens, or possibly hundreds of thousands in restitution. However, as years passed, settlements have grown to astronomical levels, with millions, or even tens of millions being awarded to claimants. With these massive payouts on the line, fraudulent claims have skyrocketed – as any immoral person with a wheelchair and a well-rehearsed story can walk their way into court with an attorney to start their case against a small business, or large corporation. 

Private Detectives near you | Burbank CA

These cases can result not only in massive headaches, but skyrocketing insurance premiums, or even denied coverage moving forward for your business – a death-blow to most businesses before the settlement money even comes into the equation! Don’t let these scammers and professional fraudsters get away with millions – contact our team of Burbank private investigators today to start your personal injury investigation, and solidify your defense. Hire the best private investigator in Burbank Now!

Our Approach and Commitment to Partnership

We understand the gravity of personal injury cases. With over 26 years of experience as private investigators, we’ve worked numerous personal injury cases alongside attorneys throughout Burbank. Some of our cases have saved our clients millions – we’re confident our approach to surveillance and evidence acquisition will seamlessly fit into any defense, arming attorneys with the court-ready, foolproof evidence they need to guide the case to a swift and indisputable closure.

In our experience, we’ve found two components to be absolutely crucial when tackling a personal injury investigation case: the time spent surveying, and timing of the surveillance. 

Personal Injury Investigations in Burbank | Leave no stone unturned

Surveillance Duration | We work 24/7

Fraudsters will often adjust their behaviors to try to throw off less committed surveillance attempts (should they suspect they’re being watched, which many often are). What we see most often, are subjects switching to a more nocturnal lifestyle – running their errands at night, or after business hours, when most inexperienced investigators would stop their surveillance. We approach these cases with around-the-clock surveillance to start, ensuring we catch these individuals when they least suspect it.  Just as you would a cheating spouse investigation or Child custody Investigation.

Surveillance Timing

In addition to our hard and fast approach to initial surveillance, we’ve found the timing of implementing surveillance to be a crucial element to a successful personal injury investigation. Many fraudsters will take a few weeks or months to “settle in” to their new act – meaning, they’re most likely to slip up and make mistakes that prove inconsistency with their claims. If you’re starting a personal injury case as an attorney, bringing a professional private investigator on-board early can mean obtaining crucial evidence that would otherwise be difficult, or impossible to gather months later. Don’t wait – hire a Burbank private investigator today to start your personal injury investigation case work.

Burbank Personal Injury Private Investigators

We strive to serve as your partner in personal injury defense cases. Whether on retainer, or as a standalone case, we’ll work to provide your defense with the evidence you need to save your client millions. We’re confident our expertise and experience will result in more efficient surveillance than our competitors can offer – contact us today to learn more about the scale and scope of our personal injury investigations in Burbank, and to discover why so many attorneys across the region have turned to our team as their preferred partner for private investigative work!

Contact us | A Burbank Private Investigator | Paramount Investigative Services Inc.

Ken Childs

Author Consultant

Paramount Investigative Services Inc. is a highly reputable private investigation agency based in Los Angeles, boasting over 25 years of experience in the field. Founded and led by expert witness and author Ken Childs, the agency offers a comprehensive range of investigative services to clients, including insurance fraud detection, infidelity investigations, background checks, and legal support for attorneys. With a proven track record and a commitment to professionalism, Paramount Investigative Services Inc. stands out as a trusted choice for individuals, businesses, and legal professionals seeking reliable and discreet investigative solutions in Los Angeles.  Follow the link to buy my How to become a Private Investigatir book on